Monday, August 31, 2009

Tympanic Membrane.

I was wakeboarding. I landed on my ear. My face hurts from the bottom of my jaw to above my temple. Sometimes, there is some ooze that blocks my hearing. Other times, it drains out and life is good for a while. I feel like I just came out of the gym after a high school dance and all the sounds are muffled. Luckily, that is only in one ear.
So now I sit on the internet looking at fish porn. This is a good one. Fishy Steve has started a blog here. I also got health insurance. It has been a long debate (is it worth paying monthly for a service that I will rarely use, or is it cheaper to just pay when something goes wrong) with myself. I gave in and went with Tonik, a Blue Cross plan.
We are planning a trip to Vancouver Island for this weekend that we have off. Stay tuned!

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